First, search the SLU Library Catalog by keyword for the phrase, "policy analysis." You should find several books. One, titled "A practical guide for policyanalysis : the eightfold path to more effective problem solving" is available in 2000, 2009, 2012, and 2016 editions. Pius has a copy of each edition and additional copies are available in the MOBIUS System.
Finally, search relevant Databases. These are listed are under the Databases tab on the research guide linked below. The education databases have historically not yielded much general information about policyanalysis, but you should searchEducation Full Text and ERIC. Also, try Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, andABI/INFORM (a business database that might yield some information.)
There may also be something useful in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, available from the SLU Libraries' Databases pages linked below.