To see if an article in a database is available in full text, look for a link that says PDF Full Text, HTML Full Text, Linked Full Text, Full Text, or something similar. Click on it to read the full text of the article.
If you don't find one, click on the FIND IT @ SLU button to see if the article is available in another database or in print in the library.
If it's available online, you will be taken directly to the article in another database. If it's not available online, you'll be taken to an Article Linker page. Under Step 2, search by Journal Title to see if the journal the article is published in is available in the library in print. If the article isn't available online or in print, you can go to Step 3 to place an interlibrary loan request for the article. We'll get it for you from another library and email it to your SLU email account.