The Medical Center Library uses the National Library of Medicine classification system, which covers medical topics and related scientific fields. Subject categories are labeled by letters, which are divided into subcategories by numbers.
NLM classification system uses the letters QS through QZ and W through WZ. The rest of the alphabet is used by the Library of Congress classification system, which covers other fields of knowledge as well.
The broad subject categories that the NLM recognizes are
- Preclinical Sciences (QS-QZ)
- General Health and Medicine (W-WB)
- Communicable Diseases; Medicine in Selected Environments (WC-WD)
- Body Systems (WE-WL)
- Specialty Areas (WM-WY)
- Medical History (WZ)
A book's call number consists of the letter or letters assigned to its topic, followed by a unique number and the year it was published. Books are arranged on shelves in alphabetical and then numerical order.
Remember that if you do have trouble locating something in the library, you are always welcome to ask for assistance.